Neon Genesis Evangelion is Mecha action anime, which is deemed one of the most popular in action fiction genre. Even after almost three decades of its release its hype still remains prominent which can be seen through the still active fandom communities and cosplayers at the anime convention. Specifically designed for our NGS community this red cropped leather jacket is worn by the fan favorite Misato Katsuragi throughout the anime.
Finest quality genuine leather craftsmanship is one of the most redeemable feature of this product. Additionally, this cropped red jacket also includes inner viscose lining with full length sleeves and full zipper closure making it a must have for those seeking to cosplay Neon Genesis Evangelion characters.
Outfit Type:
Outer: Real Leather / Faux Leather
Inner: Viscose
Color: Red
Closure: Zipper Closure
Size: Refer Size-Chart