Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is a highly acclaimed franchise consisting of a game, an anime, and a live-action movie. The story follows the protagonist, David, who, after a tragic incident resulting in the loss of his family, becomes a mercenary in the black market of the futuristic cyberpunk world. The series has garnered attention from around the world, making it one of the highest-rated series on Netflix.
Introducing the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners David Martinez cosplay jacket for all our fans inspired by the series. Manufactured using the highest-quality faux and genuine leather, this jacket is the perfect choice to replicate the style showcased in the series. The erect collar has embedded LED lights with detachable batteries that light up, embodying the true cyberpunk aesthetic. The yellow color, paired with silver stripes, makes it not only eye-catching but also the perfect outerwear to cosplay at Halloween and anime conventions.
Outfit Type:
Outer: Real Leather/ Faux Leather
Inner: Soft Viscose Lining
Color: Yellow
Pockets: 2 Outer, 2 Inner Pockets
Size: Refer Size-Chart