The most loved sitcom of the 90’s Friends, is a widely acclaimed series featuring the story of six individuals navigating through their lives in New York. Having garnered a solid fan following, the series is a cult classic and still popular even after years of its release. The character everyone adores, aka Monica Geller, portrayed flawlessly by Courteney Cox, has deeply inspired audiences all around the world. Her perfectionist character, paired with her nurturing nature, makes her the mother of the group.
Having one of the best looks in the series, Monica Geller's sense of style showcases a mature and sophisticated look. Inspired by her fashion, we are introducing Monica's dark brown jacket, adorned by Courteney Cox in season 1. Crafted to perfection by our skilled craftsmen, the jacket is manufactured using 100% genuine leather, ensuring sustainability and durability. Being versatile, this outerwear can be worn for casual daily errands or styled just like Monica for a more elegant and classic look, making it the ultimate wardrobe staple.
Outfit Type:
Outer: Real Leather
Inner: Soft Viscose Lining
Color:DarkBrown / Black
Pockets: 3 Outer, 2 Inner Pockets
Closure: Zipper Closure
Collar Style: Classic Shirt Collar
Size: Refer Size-Chart