The crime drama series Longmire has made a distinctive mark on viewers, set in western America and capturing beauty through landscapes, mountains, and plains. The protagonist, Walt Longmire, a sheriff by profession, navigates the world of crime with the modern justice system, touching on sensitive topics like morality and justice. His strong moral compass and rugged personality deeply resonate with the viewer, contributing to the success of this series.
Capture the spirit of the West with our Sheriff Longmire Coat, adorned by Robert Tylor in the series Longmire. Crafted from premium suede leather, offering a luxurious and soft velvety touch, this coat incorporates a classic design exuding confidence and rugged charm. The interior is made of soft viscose, providing warmth and wrapping the wearer in unparalleled comfort. The button-down closure adds a touch of convenience, paired with a total of four pockets, making this outerwear not only stylish but also practical.
Outfit Type:
Outer: Suede Leather
Inner: Soft Viscose Lining
Colors: Brown
Pockets: 2 Outer, 2 Inner pockets
Closure: Button Closure
Size: Refer Size-Chart